puppysmiles@rockofdestiny:/characters/salve$ cat about.md

Smooth Salve

Pronouns: he/him
Gender: femboy
Sexuality: gay
Created: 2019
Class: druid
Parents: abandoned

A very small pegasus with a green coat and dark red hair, looking almost feminine with how he doesn't cut his hair back much, only tying it up in a ponytail to stop it from getting in the way of gathering herbs.

His cutiemark is a sprig of white mistletoe, mirroring what he wears in his mane just above his left ear, put there for convenience.


A D&D character I actually played for more than 2 games. Made while I was deep in my egg phase and the one time I had a cis boyfriend explains a lot about this character tbh.

puppysmiles@rockofdestiny:/characters/salve$ ls


puppysmiles@rockofdestiny:/characters/salve$ lynx --dump art.html

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